Emily & John’s Garfield Park Conservatory + Salvage One Engagement
Hey guys! Guess what?! I finally got to visit Salvage One, and the rumors are true: it’s FANTASTIC! Such a unique space exploding with photo opportunities, complete with an oh-so-tempting shuffleboard table. Emily and John are tying the knot there in March, and we were able to spend some time in the space during their engagement session. Our first stop, though, was none other than Garfield Park Conservatory – one of my most favorite spots in Chicago (even moreso this time of year…). Seriously, it’s prime season to visit this magical place! Have you been there recently? I encourage you to treat yourself, learn something new, and pretend you’re in a tropical rainforest for the afternoon. You can thank me later.
Emily & John met years ago while working at the Field Museum together, and got engaged this past summer. They stumbled upon Salvage One quite by accident, and happened to love it so much they snagged their wedding date for 2017! I am so excited to photograph their wedding day, especially after spending this time with them in December. They clearly have a lot to be excited about, too.
It’s always a joy to photograph a couple whose vision reflects my own. Emily & John – I am thrilled with the way your engagement session turned out, and your wedding day is going to be all kinds of awesome. Looking forward to what we’ll create together this spring!